In domaining you can spend hours, even days brainstorming names for your domain, only to have if fall flat once it’s on the Internet. This happens all the time. Domain names are very important to your company. It becomes your brand on the Internet, so the name you choose is the first step to your successful online presence .


There are domain names that have no direct meaning to the products and services such as Yahoo, Google, Ebay, Amazon, Twitter, and Youtube. They don’t really depict what the website does, so how did they become household names?


Of course, then there are the domain names that are branded into our minds such as Facebook, Match, Business, and Ask, which are domain names that explain themselves without any help; while others have a meaning as soon as you see them such as Hotels, Golf, Classmates, and Dictionary. These domain names are branding names that everyone knows and talks about.


That’s the key to finding a domain name and branding it as your own. Here are some domaining tips to follow when implementing domain name strategy for your company.


  • ·          Make it meaningful. Not an easy task, but you can work on it.
  • ·          Domain name and brand name must match. This is kind of a no brainer if you want to be remembered.
  • ·          Memorable. If they forget it the next day, it’s not a good sign it’s a good domain name.
  • ·          Make is easy to type. If they can’t spell it, they can’t type in into the address bar.
  • ·          Make it short. The shorter the better, but might be impossible with the amount of domain names left.
  • ·          Be unique. Make a word up if you have to but be your own brand. Don’t copycat someone else brand name.


Another thing you need to understand in domain name marketing is the word you choose for your brand name should become your domain. The name should portray what your product is or what your company stands for. If you choose an off-the-wall name, thinking it will be remembered, think again. They may talk about it for a few days, but if they don’t understand it, they won’t remember it.


If you choose a domain name like Amazon did, you need to understand they spend millions on top of millions marketing their website. They operated in the red for almost 5 years before they started making a profit. If you can do that, more power to ya’. However, if you can’t, then you need to pick a domain name that will be suitable for your company. The branding will come with the domain name, but it still needs to portray your company in the right way.
